  • 科  系:酒店管理系
    导  师:博士生导师


宋子斌博士毕业于香港理工大学酒店及旅游业管理学院并且获得该大学颁发的博士和硕士学位。目前宋老师在旅游及款待业学界和业界的工作经历今年分别有 18 年和 12 年。 此外他担任学术期刊编委的刊物有APJTR (Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research), IJCHM (International Journal of ContemporaryHospitality Management), and JCTR (Journal of China Tourism Research)。

宋子斌的研究兴趣主要是旅游目的地情境中的游客、社区居民和组织员工的行为等等。目前他的学术论文已经发表在了旅游与款待领域知名的中英文期刊,并且绝大多数刊物属于SSCI 或 CSSCI 类别,具体包括 Annals of Tourism Research, International Journal of HospitalityManagement, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, International Journal of Tourism Research, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 和旅游学刊等。最近一项回顾性研究结果(Zhong et al., 2015)表明:就过去 35 年间发表有关中国旅游学术成果数量而言宋子斌博士全球排名并列第六。 此外,宋子斌于 2011 年获得国际凯撒/哈拉Ceaser/Harrah)最佳博士论文奖,该奖项由美国内华达州拉斯维加斯州立大学颁发。












2010 年获香港理工大学酒店及旅游业管理学院颁发的博士学历和学位证书。

2003 年获香港理工大学酒店及旅游业管理学院颁发的硕士学历和学位证书。

1988 年获四川外语学院颁发的学士学历和学位证书。


APJTR (Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research), SSCI

IJCHM (International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management),SSCI.

JCTR (Journal of China Tourism Research)


IJHM (International Journal of Hospitality Management), SSCI

JHTR (Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research), SSCI

JTTM (Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing), SSCI

TG (Tourism Geographies), SSCI


基于游客感知构建旅游地意象的测量模型:以海南岛为例, 国家自然科学基金项目,主持人,2013~2016








宋子斌 (2016).基于游客感知构建旅游目的地形象的测量模型——以海南省为例.科学出版社,北京.

郭强,宋子斌,吴鸿等人(2007). 饭店管理原理和实务. 北京:中国旅游出版社. 在本书中,本人担任第一副主编;独自撰写了第七章(饭店人力资源管理),第十章(饭店服务质量管理)以及第一章(饭店概述)中第四节(饭店星级的划分与评定);统筹了本书所有运作篇的内容。

李莉,宋子斌 (2005). 前厅与客房服务实训. 北京:中国劳动社会保障出版社. 在本书中,本人担任副主编,与主编一起负责全书的统稿和校对工作,并且独自撰写了模块十、八、五、四的内容。

安应民等 (2010). 旅游产业生态管理系统构建研究. 北京:人民出版社. 在本书中,宋子斌独自撰写了第六篇:旅游产业生态管理系统协调机制与协调结构研究。

Prakash, K.C., Chan E.S.W., Harrington, R.J., Okumus, F., & Song, Z. (2017). Co-creating customer experience: The role of employees in tourism and hospitality Service. In N.K,Prebensen, J.S., Chen, & M.S., Uysal, (Eds.), Co-Creation in Tourist Experiences(pp.109-124). Taylor & Francis.


Song, Z., Pratt, S., & Wang, Y. (2017). Core self-evaluations and residents’ support for tourism:Perceived tourism impacts as mediators. International Journal of Tourism Research, 19,278-288. SSCI.

Song, Z., Xing, L., & Chathoth, P. K. (2015). The effects of festival impacts on support intentions based on residents’ ratings of festival performance and satisfaction: a new integrative approach.

Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 23(2), 316-337.SSCI.

Song, Z., Chon, K., Ding, G., & Gu, C. (2015).Impact of organizational socialization tactics on newcomer job satisfaction and engagement: Core self-evaluations as moderators. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 46,180-189.SSCI.

Song, Z., Chathoth, P. K., & Chon, K. (2012). Measuring employees’ assimilation-specific adjustment. Annals of Tourism Research, 39(4):1968-1994. SSCI.

Song, Z., & Chathoth, P. K. (2013). Core self-evaluations and job performance: The mediating role of employees’ assimilation-specific adjustment factors. International Journal of hospitality Management, 33,240-249. SSCI.

Song, Z., Su, X., & Li, L. (2013). The indirect effects of destination image on destination loyalty intention through tourist satisfaction and perceived value: The bootstrap approach. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 30 (4): 1-24. SSCI.

Song, Z., & Chon, K. (2012). General self-efficacy’s effect on career choice goals via vocational interests and person-job fit: A mediation model. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30, 798-808. SSCI.

Song, Z., & Chathoth, P. K. (2011). Intern newcomers’ global self-esteem, overall job satisfaction,and choice intention: Person-organization fit as a mediator. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30(1):119-128. SSCI.

Song, Z., & Chathoth, P. K. (2010). An interactional approach to organizations’ success in socializing their intern newcomers: The role of general self-efficacy and organizational socialization inventory. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 34 (3): 364-387. SSCI.

Song, Z., Kong, H., & Chen, Y. (2008). Tourists' satisfaction, perceived service value, and their repurchase intentions: the case of Hong Kong's airline, hotel, and restaurant services. Journal of China Tourism Research, 4, 336-364.

Song, Z. & Chathoth, P. K. (2008). Career choice goals: The contribution of vocational interests,contextual support, and contextual barrier. Journal of China Tourism Research, 4, 98-123.

Song, Z., Mavrides, G., Holton, E.F. Ⅲ. & Bates, R. (2006). An exploratory study of learning transfer systems among star-rated hotels in Hainan China. China Tourism Research, 2(4):442-463.

杨晓玭,宋子斌,王慧晨(2015). 核心自我评价和社会支持影响职业选择意向:一个多元中介整合模型. 旅游学刊.30(5):107-116.CSSCI.

宋子斌,安应民,郑佩 (2006). 旅游目的地形象之 IPA 分析:以西安居民对海南旅游目的地形象感知为例. 旅游学刊, 10(21):26-32. CSSCI.

宋子斌,陈朝阳,格雷戈.马武瑞兹 (Gregory Mavrides) (2007). 旅游专业本科毕业实习生的工作满意感及其在旅游业择业意向的实证研究. 旅游学刊,(sl): 104-111. CSSCI.

宋子斌,陈朝阳 (2007). 从社会认知职业理论视角探讨职业结果预期对职业兴趣的影响. 永利集团学报人文社会科学版, 25 (6): 708-712. CSSCI.

宋子斌,吴鸿 (2005). 影响本科双语教学因素的实证分析. 永利集团学报人文社会科学版,23(4):475-480. CSSCI.

吴鸿,宋子斌 (2006). 连锁饭店经营中的战略协同效应探讨 . 社会科学家,2, 118-121. CSSCI.

吴鸿,宋子斌 (2005). 连锁饭店的组织竞争能力及其持续性分析. 企业经济,1,56-58.

吴鸿,宋子斌 (2004). 连锁饭店组织特性及其竞争优势分析. 中国旅游饭店,9, 29-32.


Song, Z., Ding, G., & Gu, C. (2014). Exploring core self-evaluations’ moderating roles in the relationships between socialization tactics and job satisfaction and work engagement. Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference and Asia Tourism Forum, Charting the New Path:Innovations in Tourism and Hospitality, May 18-20, 2014, pp. 905-908, Hong Kong, PR China,Conference paper.

Song, Z., Zhang, Z., & Chathoth, P.K. (2013). Exploring the influence of psychological capital on employee assimilation-specific adjustment. The 2nd world research summit for tourism and hospitality: Crossing the bridge, Dec. 15-17, 2013, pp. 48-51, Orlando, Florida, Conference Paper.

Song, Z., & Gao M. (2013). Destination advertising efforts and visitor future behavior: Overall brand equity as a mediator. The 2nd world research summit for tourism and hospitality:Crossing the bridge, Dec. 15-17, 2013, pp 389-392, Orlando, Florida, Conference Paper.

Song, Z. Wang, H., & Chon, K. (2013). Exploring the problem of tourism destination image (TDI) measurement model: A meta-analytic study of TDI works between 2006-2012. 2013 Annual Academic Conference of China’s Natural Geography Association, Haikou, PR China,Dec.20-22, 2013, pp 67-69.

Song, Z., & Su, X. (2011). The indirect effect of destination image on loyalty intentions through visitors’ perceived value and satisfaction, in Seventh China Tourism Forum Proceedings, pp.63-69. ISBN:978-962-367-736-3.

Song, Z., & Mavrides, G. (2005). An exploratory study of hotel learning transfer systems in Haikou, China, in second Polyu China Tourism Forum and Third China Tourism Academy Annual Conference Proceedings, pp. 442-455.

宋子斌, 田桂成, 王琳, 何月莹(2014). 旅游地诚信和形象感对游客未来忠诚行为的影响:一个多元中介整合模型. 旅游科学国际学术研讨会暨中国旅游学院经理论坛会议论文集,p.33, 2014 年 11 月 16-17 日,中国、广州.

宋子斌, 王慧晨, 田桂成 (2013). 探究旅游目的地意象(TDI)测量模型的问题:以 2006-2012海内外 TDI 文献为例. 2013 中国自然资源学会学术年会会议论文集,pp.67-69, 2013年12 月 20-22 日,中国、海口.

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